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Saturday, 5 November 2022


Wired magazine 1.01 was published in 1993 by Nicholas Negreponte & Louis Rosetto.

Every issue contained inside the front cover a 'Mind Grenade', and the one from the very first issue (1.01) is -- in hindisght -- creepy. Here it is:

The 'mind grenade' from Wired 1.01, Circa March 1993.

Damn Professor Negroponte, you ring truer every day.

Friday, 21 October 2022


Recommender systems are huge outside of Australia and USA such that most marketing managers now consider their optimisation as important as Search Engine Marketing (SEM). I can't believe we have totally missed the ball on this one, and nobody on the other side of planet, from Dubai to London has bothered to tell us!

Anwyays, here's the original seminal paper that Andreas Wiegend (ex Stanford, market genius and inventor of Prediction Markets and The BRIC Bank, Chief Scientist Emeritus of and inventor of recommender systems) directed and promoted this paper. It's based on proper West Coast Silicon Valley AI, with a quality discussion about a number of related techologies and market related effects that impact recommender systems.


Sunday, 17 July 2022


I've been playing with building a Swarm Intelligence simulator based on a fourier domain discretisation to schedule the placement of drones in 3D space and cars in 2D space. Here's a little video demo of it's basic structure in action, on top of this is some differential equations to capture the displacement field, then drone position coords:

LinkedIn post with a video demo of the simulator in structural mode.
You need to be logged into LinkedIn to see the post.

If you want to have a play with this class of sine wave, you might notice a simpler simulation in the background of this blog. It has a few extra features not normally seen of these types of simulation: instead of a single point being able to move along one axis (usually the Y-axis), every point in my simulation can move anywhere along the X, Y or Z axis. Take a look yourself, left-click and drag the mouse on the background (where the 3D simulation is happening) to rotate the simulation in realtime. Look below the surface to see the mesh, above it and you get a flat view. 

For best effect, try full-screen browser, remove all content and view just the background wave simulation.